
Making Progress One Step At A Time...

During a time of reflection today, I pondered my activity with Back2Basics over the past fifteen months.  What's that I see?  It's a bird!  It's a plane!  No it's…PROGRESS!


Happiness On The Journey...

I woke up on this past Thursday with a song in my heart…well actually one word of the song and a tune.  I didn't even know where I heard it before.  I didn't even know who sang the song.  All I know is I needed to hear this song in it's entirety.  Perhaps there was a message in it for me…


Love In A Cup Of Chai Latte...

To say how inspired I am to write after last night's writing class is an understatement!

Today, however, is a totally different story…


Moving Forward Sometimes Means Looking Backwards...

Moving Forward Sometimes Means Looking Backwards...

I’ve heard it said time and time again, “you can’t move forward looking backwards.”  I beg to differ.  Sometimes, moving forward can mean looking backwards…


Note To Self: Stay True To The Authentic You...

It has been a while since I've written any posts…

When I started this blog, it was a complete act of faith.  I didn't know anything about blogging.  In fact, I'm still learning.  All I knew was that I wanted to chronicle my journey or process of getting my life back2basics.

For some crazy reason (not really) I wanted to use my voice, even my writing voice, to transparently share my thoughts, feelings and experiences to encourage both myself and someone - or perhaps many someones - who might be on the same path.

For the longest time, I really struggled with publishing what I wrote from the heart.  Oh I wrote lots of stuff but by the time I edited and re-edited the post I realized that I wasn't being authentic.  No bueno…considering the purpose for this blog.


Surveying The Landscape Part Two - Courage For The Journey...

Rollo May said in his book Man's Search For Himself , "the opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice.  It is conformity."  

I would probably have continued on my previous path if it were not for two things...the dream and the dreamer in me.   In order to transition from doing what everyone else was doing (conformity) to doing what's been in my heart for years (passion) I've had to embrace courage. 

Courage was expedient for beginning my journey back2basics...


Coach Says It's Time for Goal Setting...

I heard someone say the other day that just because you have a dream or vision, without a clear and definite goal, that dream will never become reality.

Today I had a powerful and productive meeting with my coach Angela!  While I've accomplished quite a few of my smaller goals for Back2Basics so far, I've yet to tackle my core goal of finalizing the plans for developing and implementing the infrastructure.  

It's been a long time coming but I've finally turned this corner and I feel so excited I can hardly stand it!


Do I Really Need A College Education To Make It Rich...

Throughout my life, I've gone back and forth over whether to pursue higher education and specialization in order to procure a better employment opportunity.

Until recently, I'd seriously considered taking advantage of the tuition reimbursement benefit my employer offers in order to pursue my higher learning degree.