
Note To Self: Stay True To The Authentic You...

It has been a while since I've written any posts…

When I started this blog, it was a complete act of faith.  I didn't know anything about blogging.  In fact, I'm still learning.  All I knew was that I wanted to chronicle my journey or process of getting my life back2basics.

For some crazy reason (not really) I wanted to use my voice, even my writing voice, to transparently share my thoughts, feelings and experiences to encourage both myself and someone - or perhaps many someones - who might be on the same path.

For the longest time, I really struggled with publishing what I wrote from the heart.  Oh I wrote lots of stuff but by the time I edited and re-edited the post I realized that I wasn't being authentic.  No bueno…considering the purpose for this blog.

This year, I decided I'm going for it!  I'm living life without abandon!  I'm entering a new phase of my journey…learning to be comfortable just being me...

I figured I could not possible be the only one in the world who was tired of living a life that equated to a never-ending theatrical performance.  I was ready for something greater.  I took a sabbatical so I could rest, regroup and figure out my next move.  

Surprisingly, I was met with all kinds of resistance.  Not everyone was interested in me getting  quiet enough to think or hear.  Just because I decided to heal, change and grow doesn't mean that everyone understood or was on board with the turn my life was taking!

BUT...I made a CHOICE!  Yes COURAGE is a prerequisite for CHOICE!  I decided to ditch the life of compromise and embrace the dream that has been in my heart for as long as I can remember.

Honestly, I might have tried to continue to please everyone by going on with the show except I could no longer MAKE myself show up for the performance.  The more I think about it…I just didn't want to!  Moreover I discovered I don't have to!

I cannot stress the importance of staying true to you.  Who you are authentically and how you were handcrafted by the Creator is not an accident.  You were created for a specific purpose that no one can fulfill but you.

The world needs your unique gifts and talents, your personality, your intelligence, wit and whatever else is contained in the package of who you are.  Don't change who you are to become what others envision.  Stay true to the vision that has been placed on the inside of you to impact generations.

Note to self, on my journey back2basics, I WILL stay true to the authentic me...

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post! It's important to remain true to who we are.
