About Me...

Hi I'm Earitha Anderson.

I'm an ordinary woman with an extraordinary desire...to BE FREE! Back2Basics:  Spirit.Soul.Body is my personal odyssey of discovering, embracing, and evolving into my authentic self.

My blog and forthcoming book were birth out of my decision to to live authentically and core-rageously.  No more languishing in conformity.  The cell door is open, handcuffs are off and bondage doesn't live here anymore.   It's time to dream, build and create!

On an ordinary day, a good friend asked me a question.  She said, “Given your current environment (where you are today), can you realistically live an authentic life?”  

After much introspection, I concluded that while I was physically alive, I wasn't living the life I'd always dreamed of.  I further realized that when I stopped dreaming my creativity waned and my life seemed to go awry. 

It was abundantly clear that I needed to get back to the basics of life in every part of me - spirit, soul and body.  So with everything in me, I took a leap of faith and broke free of barriers (whether self-imposed or otherwise) that prevented me from living the life I was designed for. 

This pivotal shift has caused my life to spin peacefully “into” control and was the catalyst for my journey Back2Basics:  Spirit.Soul.Body…the place of transition where God and I interchangeably dream, build and create the the life of purpose originally and exclusively designed for me.

I chronicle my experiences with transparency to encourage those on the same path of discovery to embrace who they are organically.  My writings are geared to: inspire others to inventory their lives, inspect their progress and satisfaction and then initiate a course of action whereby they dream, build and create the life there were meant to enjoy.

Remember, I’m in this with you.   No matter where you are in your journey, it’s never too late to start living a simple, happy and authentic life.  Go ahead...find your bliss.  Let’s venture together Back2Basics:  Spirit.Soul.Body…


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