
Happiness On The Journey...

I woke up on this past Thursday with a song in my heart…well actually one word of the song and a tune.  I didn't even know where I heard it before.  I didn't even know who sang the song.  All I know is I needed to hear this song in it's entirety.  Perhaps there was a message in it for me…

So I took to YouTube on a quest to find the song.  I typed in the word HAPPY in the search box from my device.  When I looked up at the screen, I saw the phrase "happy pharell williams lyrics."  A voice inside said "That's It!"  I hit ENTER.  Life hasn't been the same for me or the Anderson household since.  


What happened next is epic!  I was transported into a movement of HAPPY I never knew existed.

This song, both the lyrics and rhythm, evoked feelings of joy in me.  The spontaneous bursts of joy I remember having as child.   Not to mention it's a track from one of my favorite movies of all time DESPICABLE ME!  Yes, the kid in me is a fan!

So I'm sitting at my desk at work and this song begins to play.  By the end of the first verse, I had an overwhelming urge to jump up on my desk and deliver a full production of the iconic musical Fame for my cubicle mates near by.  I held back. 

I felt so inspired I wanted to email the CEO of our sizable organization to recommend he institute a daily HAPPINESS break.  

I imagined some of my normally sullen colleagues dancing up and down the aisles with big smiles on their faces and exuding genuine HAPPINESS.  It really doesn't take much to implement HAPPY into the work culture. 

HAPPINESS is unequivocally CONTAGIOUS!  As the entire company went about the route of their day, in a far corner of our office I was dancing with total abandon as I listened to Pharell  William's rendition of HAPPY.  Those three and a half minutes were probably the most productive in my 6 year career. 

Then the song ended.  I hit replay and listened to the song all over again.  I must have listened to the song at least 20 times.  I shared on my Facebook and Twitter pages and texted several people I knew to listen to the song and watch the video.

There I was in corporate America…sitting at my desk, working, dancing, mouthing the words to the song, quite inspired and awakening to the HAPPINESS that was flowing out of me.  That by far was the best day I've had at work in a long time.

When I got home from work that evening, I searched the internet to find out more about the HAPPY song and its artist.  I discovered there is a huge HAPPINESS culture out there.  I could hardly sleep that night because I kept playing the song ONE MORE TIME.  I found out later that Thursday was International HAPPINESS Day!

I have sensed that HAPPINESS has lost priority in the average individual's life today.  

Over the past 72 hours, I have watched countless YouTube videos of people authentically declaring and demonstrating their HAPPINESS through song and dance.  I am convinced that we are in a state of HAPPINESS REVOLUTION that far transcends the Don't Worry Be HAPPY era.

As I wrote this article, HAPPY was playing softly in the background when suddenly my husband and I simultaneously had an epiphany.  We  originally heard a snippet of the song on the Oscars earlier this month.

FACT:  Pharell Williams presented HAPPY as the world's first 24 hour music video.  The track plays in a loop 24 hours a day and features cameos from people well known in show business as well as  unknown folk. Check it out here.

OTHER FACT:  Did you know there are even cites with HAPPY in the name?  There's Happy, Texas.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau is approximately one square miles in area and home to a little less than 650 people.  Other cities include Happy Land in Oklahoma, Happy's Inn in Montana and Happy Jack in Arizona.

I'll end this post with some additional HAPPY Facts for your journey...
  • True HAPPINESS comes from within.  It is internally motivated and impacts your external surroundings.
  • You can be HAPPY regardless or your station in life.  HAPPINESS isn't determined by race, ethnicity, geographic location, socioeconomic status or level of education.  
  • Wealth doesn't equal HAPPY.  Some of the financially prosperous people in the world don't enjoy HAPPINESS.
  • HAPPY people live longer and are less susceptible to disease than unhappy people.  Sickness and disease thrive in negativity and toxicity.  HAPPY people have up to 50% stronger immune systems. 
  • An ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is the key to a HAPPY life.  When were are grateful for what we have HAPPINESS is inevitable.
  • A simple smile releases endorphins which promotes a sense of well being.  Even pretending to smile or seeing someone else smile can result HAPPINESS. I experienced this one personally watching the videos on 24HoursofHappy.com.
  • It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.  It takes less effort to be HAPPY.
  • HAPPINESS is a learned skill.  No one is exempt.  Everyone can be HAPPY! Just decide.
  • People are most creative when they are HAPPY.  When the soul isn't cluttered or negative creativity simply flows.
  • HAPPINESS is a choice!  In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "Most people are about as HAPPY as they make up their minds to be. 

Oh and you didn't think I wouldn't include the song for your listening pleasure…did you!
*Disclaimer:  Proceed to click the links below with caution! Earitha Anderson or Back2Basics is not responsible for your addiction to this song.

Click here for your 24-Hour HAPPY fix.

Click here for a copy of the lyrics so you can learn the song.

I have been HAPPY-FIED y'all!  I'm now looking at life through HAPPY colored lenses. May you find your  authentically HAPPY place on your journey Back2Basics...


1 comment:

  1. Happy! :) Yayyyy! I'm so happy to read you today. I listened to it once, went up and it played over and over again. Yup! You did it. LOL Oh happy day!
