When I started this journey, I had no idea that the vision would evolve into something beyond a blog. Further, I'm amazed at how my passions for discovering, embracing and evolving into my authentic self would create such a thirst for the greater that life has to offer.
In the past, I might have become discouraged at not haven garnered a massive following on my blog or Facebook page. Quite frankly, I'm so grateful I didn't. I probably would have lost most of my readership by now.
It has taken quite some time for me to find my authentic writing voice. With each post I have gained the courage to publish, I feel more confident that someone will one day be inspired by the words I've written. I have never claimed to be the best writer on the planet. I'm simply a woman with a vision to encourage others to evaluate why they are living their compromise rather than their dream.
I used to think that I didn't have a choice or a voice in how my life turned out. Now, I KNOW better. The best thing that could have ever happened to me was CHANGING MY THOUGHT LIFE.
Our thoughts shape our beliefs. Our beliefs determine our perspective. Perspective dictates our confession. Confession drives the direction of our life. So where I END up depends on how I THINK.
Needless to say, the most challenging aspect of my journey back2basics has been my own mindset. When I thought I was helpless and doomed to failure and unhappiness, guess what…I WAS! When I believed the lie that I should be grateful for my lot in life or doors only open for CERTAIN people like the rich and well connected, I did nothing to change my circumstances.
THINKING differently hasn't resulted haphazardly. I've made a conscious decision to DO SOMETHING too! I've started reading books and listening to teachers who have already mastered some of the endeavors I'm on course to.
My vision is no longer something I fantasize about, wondering what life would be like IF I could write or start a business to serve others. What's different? I have stopped being a spectator sitting on the sidelines. As God's co-architect, I am collaborating with Him to move my inner vision to manifestation.
Each time I pen my thoughts on paper for a blog article or add another component to my overall vision for Back2Basics, I actively participate in the building of my ideal life and ultimately the fulfillment of my destiny.
At the onset of my journey, I had no script or plan of how and what Back2Basics would become. I have since found out that the only way to accomplish my goal of being a writer is by starting to write and doing so even when I didn't fully understand what message I wanted to convey to my readers.
For me, developing as a writer involves expressing myself from a place of authenticity and transparency. I'm finally learning how to quiet my soul enough to the point that my spirit can freely speak. Then with total abandon, throwing caution (and analytics) to the wind and taking a LEAP OF FAITH to simply write what I hear.
Here are 17 key lessons I've learned over the past year and three months:
- STOP doubting myself! BELIEVE in me even if no one else does.
- DO IT (even in the face of fear)!
- CHANGE my perspective. As a visionary I must SEE beyond what APPEARS
- DON'T GIVE UP! Keep going. The only way I won't finish is if I STOP.
- Don't listen to naysayers. Position myself around those who BUILD UP not TEAR DOWN.
- ADOPT healthy thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. This is the main determinant of how I finish.
- Be EMPOWERED. God has already EQUIPPED me for my assignments.
- ASK for help and learn to DELEGATE. Sometimes ANSWERS come through others.
- Exercise PATIENCE. Flow in the unforced rhythms of GRACE.
- Be willing to LEARN. The greatest MASTER is the greatest STUDENT.
- ACCEPT that I'm NOT PERFECT! Neither is anyone else. It's not about perfection anyway.
- DIG DEEP to unearth my TREASURE. SURFACE LIFE is my past.
- TRUST in and RELYon God for wisdom. His thoughts are higher than mine.
- THINK outside the box! Be INNOVATIVE and create boxes never before seen.
- FOCUS on the RESOURCES I HAVE. Whatever is LACKING will be present when I need it.

Today, I am well pleased with the progress I've made thus far on my journey back2basic…
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