The past two weeks have been quite a swirling experience...

I discovered that I was juggling too many things at once. I decided that It was okay to scale back and I certainly don't need to micromanage myself. So I'm realigning my priorities.
I was really beating myself up for not getting out blog or social media posts last week and what threatened to be yet another week. Getting my message of Back2Basics to the world is a top priority. I believe it's my life mission. Today, I decided, I will make the time to write.
I'm not even sure why I felt so much pressure. After all, I'm in charge of my schedule. I'm sure there's a part of me that was afraid with my recent return to work I might not remain faithful to my journey and commitment to discover, embrace and evolve into my authentic self.
Further, since I am NOT under the same kind of pressure I've once felt engaging in the corporate rate race, I thought I'd simply rest in the grace that has already been provided for me to to share my journey with the world as it unfolds at my pace.
This week I made the decision to let some projects go and prioritize what is most important right now. Some parts of the vision will simmer on low until the appointed time.
I really am okay with scaling back so I don't get overwhelmed trying to juggle too many plates at once. This is especially wise for me since I am in a season of many role changes.
Priority ONE for the remainder of the year is to focus on my writing, blogging a special project I'm currently dreaming, building and creating for One Spark 2014. I am so excited!
Let me ask you...
1) Do you find that you're stretching yourself thin on multiple projects?
2) How do you handle the distractions that steal your time?
Below are 4 reminders I am using to help me keep my commitment of getting back2basics given my current life demands:
- Revisit your goals. Determine what's working and what's not.
- Refine your objectives. Make the necessary adjustments that will help you realize your goals.
- Stay focused. I always heard my mom say growing up "you have two can only walk in one direction at a time." Likewise focus on one or two related goals at at time.
- Build endurance. Remember, this is a journey not a race. Don't overwhelm yourself or risk burnout because you are juggling too many projects unrelated to your dream.
- Have fun. Enjoy yourself and the people you've been blessed to have along side you on your journey.
I leave you with this thought...we each have 24 hours in a day. We must chose to spend our time wisely and forego the temptation to overbook our time. Make sure to maintain balance in your daily activities.
As Robert Collier said "Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. " Likewise, small consistently progress is just that...PROGRESS.
Aligned for progress on our journey Back2Basics: Spirit.Soul.Body...
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