I happened to be looking for the perfect Monday quote for a project I'm working on. To my surprise, I noticed that about 75% of the quotes I found were extremely negative. So much so that I stopped reading and decided to pen my thoughts on this topic instead.
Here are some examples of what I found...

Based on these comments and others like them, it would appear that Monday is perhaps THE most reviled day of the week.
The majority of people dread the thought of Sunday coming to an end and having to wake up and face Monday.
I remember what it was like feeling that dread because it meant I would have to go back to job I hated for another five days before getting another reprieve.
It literally felt like I served a prison sentence five days a week then went home on a weekend furlough. Needless to say, no one readily looks forward to going back to prison.
It's interesting to me that for many years and although the thought of going to a place I didn't want to be, performing a function I didn't like (often up to 60 hours per week), I never proactively did anything about changing my situation.
How many times have you said or thought, I hate going there or doing that but never took steps to to change direction or do something new? Although you may have chosen to complain instead of taking action, you may have also chose to put your fate in someone else's hands.
It doesn't benefit anyone to act if there are no other alternatives when in reality the choice for change is always ours. When we blame others for holding us back, we remain imprisoned in our circumstances and that way of thinking..
I see Monday as just another day...another day to dream, build and create the life I was born to have and enjoy. I meet each Monday with more of an "alright...let's do this" attitude! I must admit, though, I haven't always felt this way.. I developed this mindset as a result of a shifting in my thinking.
I decided I was tired of letting my activities, affiliations or associations determine my level of life enjoyment, peace and satisfaction. At first, I couldn't see how this could be done. Like many people, I saw too many obstacles and had way too many excuses. Nonetheless,
Below are some tips that helped me learn to embrace each day with gratitude instead of thanklessness. I choose to:

Based on these comments and others like them, it would appear that Monday is perhaps THE most reviled day of the week.
The majority of people dread the thought of Sunday coming to an end and having to wake up and face Monday.
I remember what it was like feeling that dread because it meant I would have to go back to job I hated for another five days before getting another reprieve.
It literally felt like I served a prison sentence five days a week then went home on a weekend furlough. Needless to say, no one readily looks forward to going back to prison.
It's interesting to me that for many years and although the thought of going to a place I didn't want to be, performing a function I didn't like (often up to 60 hours per week), I never proactively did anything about changing my situation.
How many times have you said or thought, I hate going there or doing that but never took steps to to change direction or do something new? Although you may have chosen to complain instead of taking action, you may have also chose to put your fate in someone else's hands.
It doesn't benefit anyone to act if there are no other alternatives when in reality the choice for change is always ours. When we blame others for holding us back, we remain imprisoned in our circumstances and that way of thinking..
I see Monday as just another day...another day to dream, build and create the life I was born to have and enjoy. I meet each Monday with more of an "alright...let's do this" attitude! I must admit, though, I haven't always felt this way.. I developed this mindset as a result of a shifting in my thinking.
I decided I was tired of letting my activities, affiliations or associations determine my level of life enjoyment, peace and satisfaction. At first, I couldn't see how this could be done. Like many people, I saw too many obstacles and had way too many excuses. Nonetheless,
Below are some tips that helped me learn to embrace each day with gratitude instead of thanklessness. I choose to:
- Evaluate! Take an honest inventory of your life. Are you happy with things just the way there are? Is there room for improvement or is there something you'd like to change altogether? Do you feel you have what it takes to change your life on your own or do you need help?
- Be empowered! Life (society and experience) often gives us the impression that we have no other choice but to take what is doled out to us. YOU are empowered to make choices that yield a happy and prosperous life. Don't buy into the lie that this is the way it is and always will be. You have the authority to build the life you want brick-by-brick. If you change your thinking you'll inevitably change your life.
- Dream! You don't have to sit idly by while life happens to you. Real living begins when you participate not observe if from the sidelines. It's time to wake up from sleeping (existing) and date to dream WITH God to create the life you truly want.
- Build! Do an honest inventory of your life. Are you genuinely happy? What drives your lack of fulfillment? Are you motivated to change? If not, why? Is there net value in building your desired life versus the one in which you currently exist? What do you have to lose? When it's all said and done, know you are well worth the investment!
- Create! Life is less about what you tolerate and more about what you create. If there's something in your life you that dissatisfies you, find something that evokes satisfaction. If that something doesn't exist yet...then CREATE IT! You ARE a creative being...embrace opportunities to CREATE!
- Set Goals! Take time to set goals. Remember, a ship with no set destination will undoubtedly end up aimlessly drifting on the seas. Likewise a person without goals will never accomplish anything in life. It is impossible to change your life's course if you do not take the time to set and record goals then track your progress in achieving them.
- Develop Discipline! There's a proverb that states a lazy person, even when food is placed in their hand, will not raise their hand to their mouth to feed themselves. Be diligent in meeting your set objectives. Find an accountability partner or coach to help you stay on track. Learn to prioritize and practice time management. Read books and attend seminars. Do whatever it takes to help you acquire the skill and mindset of successful people.
- Make a Decision! Happiness comes from within. Make a decision to be happy regardless of the challenges you face. If life has given you lemons and you detest lemonade get some apples and make apple juice instead. YOU (and no one else) have control of your happiness. Once you decide to be happy you'll be exactly that...HAPPY!
- Be Successful! Success is achieved by constantly and consistently meeting the objectives that help us realize our goals. Decide now that no matter what, I will act as if giving up is not an option. God alone is the author and finisher of your fate and He has already empowered me to win!
Gratitude is an essential trait on the journey back2basics...
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