
Unfolding Purpose...

Today has been quite an interesting day for me.  I have been a literal water pot!

It started with me watching via a friend's page on Facebook entitled New World Trend which is a video compilation of a group of individuals endeavoring to start a "new" trend.

The initial scene opens (in my opinion) with a clever insertion of humor...a parody on various recent trends in social media such as The Harlem Shakeplanking or twerking.

Viewers are quickly transported into a perspective of what homelessness in the cities around the world looks like all while listening to Michael Jackson's soundtrack "Change."

The video features the homeless (primarily those living on the street) being approached by various individuals handing them food and in some cases apparel and shoes.  The goal of this cause...to put a smile of the face of a homeless person by doing something kind for them. 

Time and time again, I saw the faces of homeless persons everywhere beam like the sun when they realized that someone was offering them something to eat, drink or wear.  Most reacted with shock, disbelief, gratitude while some were moved to tears.

I'm not sure why I was so emotional watching this video.  Perhaps it was the combination of witnessing the sheer gratitude in each person's expression or the music playing in the background which seem to echo the sentiment of each scene.  

Just as such strong emotion was evoked in me I don't believe any human being could have watched it without be motivated to do something to make this world a better place than they found it.   

The experience caused me to spend time reviewing my own vision to remember why I'm on this journey back to basics in the first place.  My passion for bringing hope to others was reignited tremendously today.

My heart was simultaneously heavy and light as a result of watching this approximate three and a half minute video.  I felt a great stirring on the inside of me which left an even greater desire to serve humanity the remaining years of my life.  

Deep inside me, I know today was no coincidence.  I've actually been meditating Isaiah 61 and Luke 4:18.  I truly believe the next steps of my life are being ordered by God.  My life purpose is simply unfolding as I observe it through these particular books along with a few others.

I am convinced now more than ever that someone somewhere in this world is waiting on my gift, my words, my heart, my prayers...my vision to impact their life.  My personal prayer is that I continue to exercise the courage and faith necessary to discover my purpose rather than given in to dream killers like cowardice and fear.  

And so my journey continues back2basics:  spirit.soul.body...


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