
Insight Into Personality...

My Pastor often says, if ten people tell in one night say you're drunk...SIT DOWN!

Several weeks ago I took a Meyers-Briggs Testing Instrument (MBTI).  Well, the results are in and it's just like I've said all along...I'M NOT WEIRD I'm just YOUnique!

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the MBTI, it is a personality test which can be used for instance to determine what career might be best suited for you based on your natural bending.

According to the MBTI, there are sixteen (16) personality types.  If you are interested in finding out your personality type, there are many sites online where you might be able to take the test.  Although some sites allow you to take a free version of this test, there is a fee to take the MBTI.

I must admit when I first took this test, I was a bit skeptical that my personal likes, dislikes or behavior in general could help determine my particular personality type by simply answering questions.  However, when I read over the profile of my personality type, I did fine that it was more spot on than off.

While I don't necessarily put myself in a proverbial box, the description of my personality type helped me to gain insight in the following areas:

  1. Marriage Relationship
  2. Career Paths
  3. Strengths / Gifting
  4. Weaknesses / Opportunities for Improvement
  5. Parenting
  6. Friendship
  7. Personal Growth
A few weeks ago my husband also took the Meyers-Briggs test.  We both agreed that his personality profile report very closely matched his actual personality.

Prior to getting the results, we used to accuse each other of deliberately being a certain way.  After reading his personality profile, we were both convinced this might a beneficial tool to help us both better understand ourselves and each other.  

We were able to identify our own and each other's strengths and areas for opportunities.  A lot of the information we read helped us better understand our motivations and how we could effectively use them to achieve both personal growth and grow as a couple.

Click here to take a simple test to find out your personality type.  You will also find more detailed information on the 16 personality types.


Visit the Meyers-Briggs Foundation website for tons of information on personality tests.

I also found the book Personality:  What Makes You The Way You Are.  This book along with many others can be found on Amazon or even at your local library for free.

I'm leaving no stone unturned on my journey back2basics: spirit.soul.body...

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog. I have taken similar tests in the past and the 5 languages of Love one...Mine are affirmations and actions. My husband's are actions and gifts. I found it interesting as gifts were the bottom of my languages. Then I know that an affirmation is a gift TO ME. My husband is more literal in a tangible gift. So we continue on our journey together. Still learning about one another after 31 years of marriage. God Bless!
