
Out of the Shadows...

Earitha Anderson
Publisher of Back2Basics: Spirit.Soul.Body Blog
Well...today I did it!!!

I decided to emerge out of the shadows and put my face with my name.  Today this thought exploded in my mind...If I'm going to get back2basics: spirit.soul.body then why am I hiding?  Why am I afraid of people associating my name with my face and my feelings, heart or vision?  After all, I have NOTHING to fear or be ashamed of!

So HELLO world...My name is Earitha "Chani" Anderson.  Welcome to my commitment to locate and live back2basics: spirit.soul.body!

You may be asking, what is back2basics: spirit.soul.body all about?  Glad you asked!  For me it's about going back to the place where my life seemed to get off track...where I ceased being my authentic self and started living as someone I eventually couldn't recognize.